Multi-Vendor Hybrid order and delivery system

Full customisation and flexible setup of multiple events, menus, shops, vendors, discount codes/promo offers and branding using the OrderBoard Portal Login
Customer Ordering Options

Self service checkout
Personal hand-held ordering
Kiosk terminal ordering
Mix & Match
Orders can be placed, and paid form, through unlimited simultaneous and diversified routes

Vendors receive relevant items from customer orders and prepares them for collection or delivery
Vendors can control customer wait time, customer notifications and product availability
​Vendors update order process and status Live
Order Consolidation / Management (optional)

Option for a Kitchen Manager to consolidate and manage orders and organise fulfilment of orders.
This manager can also have access to management controls such as discounts, voucher codes, replacement and complimentary orders.
All controlled via a single portable interface
Order fulfilment

Direct from vendor to customer
Single or multiple collection point
Delivered by event staff directly to customer
Mix & Match
Customer is notified through entire process via customisable order notifications vis email and SMS

In depth financial, sales, product and KPI reporting after and during the event